Make Clean Energy a Legislative Priority for 2014
January 25th, 2014, 10:00 am – 12:00
Dairy Center for the Arts
2590 Walnut Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Come to the Legislator’s Town Hall put clean energy issues on their radar for this legislative session. Get a chance to speak with House Majority Leader Dickey Lee Hullinghorst, Senate Majority Leader Rollie Heath, and Representative KC Becker.
Majority Leader Dickey Lee wants to focus on “enhancing the economic security of all Coloradans, strengthening our education system to prepare our students and make college more affordable and we need to help our neighbors here in Boulder and across the state recover from the floods and wildfires we suffered in 2013.”
Come make the case for why they should focus on restructuring the electric utilities’ current business models that create disincentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy, which is directly related to economic security.