Help Us Stand Up for Colorado Ratepayers!
Dear Renewable Energy Advocates–We have an AMAZING opportunity to move clean energy forward in Colorado–but we need your help to “get it right.”

What's Next for Colorado's Energy Policy?
Join Clean Energy Action this Wednesday evening at George Reynolds Branch Library for a panel discussion of the question: what’s next for Colorado energy policy? Our panel will feature professionals from a wide variety of energy-policy related disciplines and attempt to hone in on the solutions that bear promise in delivering the clean energy future that we know is possible.

Dr. Sandra Steingraber Expert on Environmental and Health Impacts of Fracking
Clean Energy Action will welcome acclaimed ecologist and author Dr. Sandra Steingraber to speak on the detrimental health effects of fracking and natural gas production.
Join Dr. Steingraber, CEA and our allies as Steingraber dives into the hard science and overwhelming evidence regarding the serious health effects associated with fracking, followed by a Q&A.

Save the Date: Panel on Paying off Xcel's Stranded Assets
Clean Energy Action is dedicated to taking coal and other fossil fuel assets offline as quickly as possible in a fashion that is just, equitable, and will encourage more responsible behavior by Xcel and other utilities in the future. The legal challenges posed by stranded assets are nuanced and important to understand if we want to move forward to a clean energy future responsibly and equitably, which is why we are thrilled that Ms. Patterson and Ms. Nanasi will be joining us for an evening right here in Boulder to offer their expertise.
Our discussion is open to the public, so join us for what promises to be a fascinating evening, and bring a friend!

Save the Dates: Cleaning up Valmont Coal Ash
On Tuesday, May 8th, at 3:00 pm the Boulder County Commissioners will be meeting to hear an update from Xcel Energy about the utility’s plans for the cessation of coal activities at the Valmont Power Station in east Boulder County.

The World is Watching: Municipalization & Energy Democracy
For the past three months, Dutch graduate student Mara de Pater, has researched energy democracy in Boulder as part of Environmental Sciences and Anthropology studies. The research, aimed at understanding how the Boulder community gives meaning to the concept of energy democracy, focused on the community’s strong values and beliefs and how the city took on the challenge of exploring municipalization.