Xcel 2021 Electric Resource Plan (ERP)
PUC Proceeding 21A-0141E
Background on Pueblo Unit 3 (PU3) Coal Plant
Read Colorado’s Billion Dollar Mistake report for important background and history on why building a new coal plant in the 21st century was a mistake.
“In short, advocating for burning coal to secure Pueblo’s future and provide tax revenues for the next 19 years is not a strategy that is likely to work due to coal supply issues — independent of all the moral and environmental reasons to stop burning coal as quickly as we can.”
See Leslie Glustrom’s op-ed in The Pueblo Chieftain for more on a sustainable and equitable future for Pueblo.
The Public Utilities Commission Staff Report (20I-0437E) details an investigation into the history and ongoing implementation of the PU3 coal plant and its numerous operations and equipment problems.
Answer Testimony
Answer Testimony for Xcel’s 2021 ERP is coming soon. Please contact info@cleanenergyaction.org to find out more.
ERP Study Group Sessions
These study sessions take an in-depth look at Xcel's 2021 Electric Resource Plan (ERP) proposal (PUC proceeding 21A-0141E). Two meetings held per session: one at 10:30 am and one at 7 pm, covering approximately the same information.
Miss a session? Past event details:
April 26, 2021: First Session
May 10, 2021: Second Session
May 24, 2021: Third Session
June 14, 2021: Fourth Session
June 28, 2021: Fifth Session
July 26, 2021: Sixth Session
August 23, 2021: Seventh Session
September 27, 2021: Eighth Session
See relevant and helpful links and documents pertaining to Xcel’s 2021 ERP below.
Public Utilities Commission Documents
Some of the ERP documents can be found at the end of the page under Proceeding 21A-0141E.
Instructions for Finding Documents on the PUC Webpage
Use this step-by-step guide to search the PUC website for all documents related to Xcel’s 2021 ERP. Search for proceeding number 21A-0141E.
Glustrom Petition to Intervene
While denied, the Petition to Intervene gives a great background on Xcel’s proposed ERP.
Glustrom Supplemental Questions Filing
Additional questions and challenges to the proposed ERP.
PUC Decision on Interventions
The reasoning behind the decision to deny intervention.
PUC Order for Additional Modeling
PUC ordering Xcel to do a number of additional modeling runs involving more solar, demand response, and a number of other scenarios.