Encyclical To Action
Pope Francis’ Laudato Si encyclical states, “…faced as we are with global environmental deterioration, I wish to address every person living on this planet… In this Encyclical, I would like to enter into dialogue with all people…” In that spirit, join leaders from the business, government, and faith communities; hear success stories, and co-create what you can do to implement meaningful change.

Update On Municipalization: The PUC Process
Please join Clean Energy Action, Empower Our Future, New Era Colorado, 350 Colorado, and other local groups for an update from Deb Kalish, Assistant City Attorney, City of Boulder.

Screening And Discussion Of This Changes Everything
Join CEA and the Climate Courage Resilience Circle for a film screening and discussion of This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein’s brand new climate justice documentary. Throughout the film, Klein builds to her most controversial and exciting idea: that we can seize the existential crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better.

Tell the PUC To Uphold Boulder’s Right To Municipalize
On November 4, 2015 the Colorado PUC is scheduled to hear Xcel’s Motion to Dismiss Boulder’s application for separation from the Xcel system. We hope you will express your support for the City of Boulder with a short message to the PUC and if you can, by attending the actual proceedings (business attire is best.)

How Much Renewable Energy Could We Use And Keep Costs Competitive In Colorado?
Join Clean Energy Action, Empower Our Future, and others to find out how much renewable energy we could use and keep costs competitive in Colorado. Tom Asprey, from the Empower Our Future citizen group, has built a detailed spreadsheet model to ask and answer that question over a very broad range of assumptions. Come hear what he learned and get answers to your questions about what our energy future could look like.

Community Climate Courage Showing Of The Wisdom To Survive
Join CEA and the Climate Courage Resilience Circle for a film screening and discussion of The Wisdom to Survive. This film accepts the consensus of scientists that climate change has already arrived, and asks: what is keeping us from action? The film explores how unlimited growth and greed are destroying the life support system of the planet, the social fabric of the society, and the lives of billions of people.

Got EE, PV, EV?
Energy Efficiency, Photovoltaic Solar Systems, and Electric Vehicles: Join Clean Energy Action, Empower Our Future, and others to learn more about City and County of Boulder programs to help you obtain more EE, PV, and EV!

New Slow City: Living Simply In The World’s Fastest City
Join CEA and author William Powers as he discusses his attempt at minimalist living in the heart of New York City. Powers, a World Policy Institute fellow with decades of experience in development and conservation, explores the viability of Slow Money and Slow Food, urban beekeeping and rooftop gardening, in a new book, New Slow City: Living Simply in the World’s Fastest City.

Climate Change: The Latest Science, Why It’s Serious, & What You Can Do About It
Join Clean Energy Action and the Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) for an explanation of the latest science about climate change and what we can do about it, featuring:

Clean Power Plan: What Does It Mean For Colorado And The West?
Join Clean Energy Action, Empower Our Future, 350 Colorado, New Era Colorado, and others for a discussion about the Clean Power Plan and its implications for Colorado and the West, featuring, Stacy Tellinghuisen.

Tell The Bureau Of Land Management To Stop The Coal Giveaway!
In recent years, the Bureau of Land Management has “leased” a ton of coal in Colorado for the price of a gumball – 25 cents ! How can we halt climate change until we stop giving away coal on our public lands?

Say Enough To Fracking
It’s time that we say, “Enough!” to fracking!
Join Coloradans Against Fracking (CAF) in action at the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) hearing in Greeley, where CAF representatives will issue a declaration to the COGCC that will also be sent to Governor Hickenlooper.

Update On Boulder’s Energy Future
Staff from the City of Boulder Will Provide Updates on: Municipalization, Boulder’s Climate CommitmentsSolar Mapping, and possible creation of Trial Nanogrids.

Community Energy Fair: Speaker Lineup Announced!
We’re excited to announce our speaker lineup for the 2015 Community Energy Fair! Picnic Table Talks will be about 15-20 minutes with time for Question and Answer afterwards.

Meet Grid Alternatives: Solar For Everyone
Join CEA and Empower Our Future in getting to know GRID Alternatives, Colorado, a nonprofit organization that makes renewable energy technology and training accessible to under-served communities. GRID uses a model similar to that of Habitat for Humanity, training volunteers in how to install distributed solar PV systems. Along with these volunteers, GRID brings together community partners and job trainees to implement solar power and energy efficiency for low-income communities, providing energy cost savings, and valuable hands-on experience, while expanding solar access throughout the state.
Public Hearing For Performance-based Ratemaking
The Colorado House Transportation and Energy Committee will decide whether to move forward with HB 15-1250, which seeks to initiate an investigation into performance-based ratemaking. Tell the legislature that performance-based ratemaking should reward the utilities for reducing their carbon emissions.
Private: Kill The Bill
The House State, Veterans & Military Affairs have the capacity to kill Senate Bill 44. This bill would roll back our renewable energy standard from 30% by 2020 to 15%. This is especially absurd because Xcel already gets 19% of their electricity from wind alone. Some renewables are cheaper than fossil fueled power and actually help rural Coloradan communities, contrary to the ‘war on rural Colorado’ narrative.
Thanks to everyone who signed our petition. Because of you, the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy Committee received nearly 600 emails telling them to stop this attack on clean energy in Colorado. Unfortunately, it passed the Senate and now it’s the House’s turn. Let’s get it right this time.

Losing At Monopoly: Big Money Will Go Up In Smoke On Stranded Coal Plants **petition**
Xcel Energy plans to spend $400 million in upgrading two coal plants. As the US coal industry has taken an ominous nosedive, Colorado will face financial risk if these plants cannot be run. Renewables are cost-competitive with coal and natural gas and we know coal plants don’t balance well with renewables on the grid. In addition, coal plants need millions of gallons of water for cooling and climate change will not wait. It’s unconscionable.

CU-Boulder Divestment Day Of Action
Join Fossil Free CU, in global solidarity with thousands of other universities, faith groups, and communities in demanding Divestment from Fossil fuels.

Stop The Attack On Clean Energy In Colorado
The Colorado Senate is trying to kill our renewable energy standard (RES)! Instead of 30% by 2020, they want to knock it down to 15%. This is absurd: Xcel already gets 19% of their electricity from wind alone, and it’s cheaper than any fossil fueled power! Sign the petition below to send an email Senate Agriculture, Natural Resource and Energy Committee members telling them we have to move forward on clean energy and climate, not back!
Public Banking: Supporting Community Resiliency & Renewable Energy
This presentation is part of Clean Energy Action’s Global Warming Solutions Speaker Series. Audience participation will be invited during discussion and Q&A. No RSVP required.