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Say Enough To Fracking


Say Enough! to Fracking

Monday, August 3rd, 2015 at 5pm
Weld County Administration Building,
1150 O St., Greeley, CO

It’s time that we say, “Enough!” to fracking!

Join Coloradans Against Fracking (CAF) in action at the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission  (COGCC) hearing in Greeley, where CAF representatives will issue a declaration to the COGCC that will also be sent to Governor Hickenlooper.

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (Colorado’s regulatory commission on oil and gas development) is meeting with representatives from local governments to discuss the implementation of two recommendations from the Governor’s Oil and GasTask Force. These recommendations will become regulations that are both dismissive and dangerous to our communities and our state.

#17 defines the size of well pads within our communities. #20 allows oil and gas to dictate where within our cities they plan to drill in the future, so that space would be held and available for them to drill. Neither give local governments or citizens any protection from extreme energy production. Both serve the industry, not the citizens with whom they are charged with protecting.

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