Colorado Community Rights Network Presents Thomas Linzey & Ben Price
Friday, March 7th, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Saturday, March 8th, 9 am – 5 pm
First Unitarian Society of Denver
1400 Lafayette St., Denver, CO 80218
Tired of asking your representatives to fight corporate excesses and seeing no action? Join the community rights movement that is going to make these changes ourselves! To reclaim our rights, we must challenge corporate supremacy & change our structure of law that upholds it. Democracy School teaches you how.
So Your Community is Going to be Fracked, Mined, Factory Farmed, or you fill in the blank…
Thomas Linzey, Executive Director and Chief Counsel for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, has over 15 years experience helping communities protect their health and quality of life in the face of corporate exploitation.
Seating Limited:
$150 based on availability
Mail Payment to:
17087 E. 106th Ave.
Commerce City, CO 80022
Make Check payable to ‘Colorado Community Rights Network
Limited scholarships available:
Statewide Activist Strategy Session
Sunday, March 9th, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location TBA
This or previous Democracy School (full, not mini) a prerequisite for attendance.
Background on Democracy School
Communities throughout Colorado and across the country are finding that, in the face of corporate exploitation, they don’t have full authority to protect public health, safety and welfare, economic and environmental sustainability, property value, and overall quality of life.
Corporations have court-conferred constitutional rights which they wield against communities to subjugate local rights that interfere with corporate expansion. Furthermore, corporate rights are defended by the state and federal government through the doctrine of preemption.
Citizens of five Front Range cities voted recently to ban or place a moratorium on fracking in their communities. The Colorado Oil and Gas Association, with the state’s support, is suing to overturn these elections. Local rights have been suppressed by other industries in towns and counties throughout the state.
The immortal words of the Declaration of Independence are regarded as a moral standard upon which our freedom was founded and to which we continue to strive: people are endowed with certain unalienable rights, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” among them; government derives its power from the consent of the governed; and when any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.
Today, our structure of law elevates corporate rights over the unalienable rights of citizens and usurps the consent of the governed.