Support Rooftop Solar
February 3rd, 2014, 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Public Utilities Commission Hearing Room
1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202
Your engagement has resulted in positive results! 30,000 petitions and comments later, the PUC has reached a decision to separate the net metering issue into a new docket. This is the next step in proving the benefits of distributed solar to the electrical grid.
Continued engagement is critical! On February 3rd, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is providing a forum for the public to comment on Xcel’s plan to penalize Coloradans who go solar. Please consider joining us in Denver to add comments to the record in opposition to Xcel’s proposal.
The PUC needs to hear from you that rooftop solar is helping Colorado build a cleaner, safer and lower cost energy supply.
Suggested Talking Points
Please start with the following two ASKS:
Thank the PUC for their acknowledgement for this important solar issue, and we look forward to working through this new process to make sure that Colorado’s solar customers continue to get a fair deal.
Private investment in rooftop solar is helping build a cleaner, safer and more resilient energy supply for all Coloradans
Then continue with your personal story of why rooftop solar matters to you, and should be supported in the state:
Example talking points:
Energy options: Rooftop solar is helping Colorado families, schools, and businesses take charge of their power supply and their electricity bills like never before.
Grid benefits: This individual investment in solar power reduces the need for expensive and polluting fossil fuel power plants and transmission infrastructure. A study by an independent third party, Crossborder Energy, demonstrated that every year, these savings from rooftop solar total up to $11 million in benefits for ALL Xcel customers.
Environment & public health: Our competitive rooftop solar market is helping build healthier Colorado communities by reducing harmful air pollution and dangerous carbon emissions.
Economy: Solar is creating a vibrant new local energy economy: 246 solar companies employ 3,600 Coloradans, making the state 5th in the nation for amount of solar power installed.
It’s what Coloradans want: Both customer demand and polls continue to show Coloradans want more solar energy, not less. We should be making it more affordable for Coloradans to generate their own clean energy, not adding new costs as Xcel has proposed.
If you can’t attend in person please write the PUC:
Use this link to our friends at Vote Solar’s Coalition for Solar Rights
OR create your own with this sample:
Send emails to:
Reject Xcel’s Net Metering Rollback Proposal (docket 13A-0836E)
Dear Commissioner:
I write today to urge you to reject Xcel’s proposal to label net metering a subsidy. The utility’s proposal is based on a flawed study that severely undervalues the benefits of rooftop solar.
Instead, we urge you to establish and lead a series of open workshops to review and evaluate all of the components of value generated by rooftop solar.
Local solar power delivers numerous financial benefits to all of Xcel’s customers in the state, even those without solar on their roofs: savings on expensive and polluting conventional power; reduced investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure; reduced electricity lost during transportation over power lines; and savings on the cost of meeting future carbon regulation. Recent independent analysis found that these benefits of net metered power outweigh the costs, with a total net value of over $13 Million per year in Xcel’s Colorado territory.
Commissioners, a recent poll shows that an overwhelming majority (78%) of Coloradans support the existing net metering policy. Please stand with Colorado energy consumers by rejecting Xcel’s proposal today.
Thank you.