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Success! Rally to Protect Energy Efficiency

Thanks to all those who came out to protect the environmental and economic benefits of demand side management!

We have won a strategic victory. The PUC staff have recommended a rejection of Xcel’s plan to slash the program:

Though the demand-side management (DSM) landscape in Colorado is changing, Public Service Company of Colorado’s (Public Service or the Company) DSM plans continue to be cost effective and DSM should continue to be aggressively pursued. –DSM Strategic Issues – Trial Staff’s Statement of Position

Thanks again to everyone who showed up, shared their voice and passion to this important cause.

Stand up Against Xcel’s Proposal to Cut the
Demand Side Management Program

Tuesday, May 6th, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lincoln Park, Veterans Memorial

Xcel is proposing to drastically cut their funding for their Demand Side Management (DSM) program. This program has been highly effective at deploying cost effective energy efficiency and load-shifting techniques to reduce our demand for fossil fuels.

Join us to put pressure on the PUC to not allow Xcel to defund this critical program. Jonny 5 from the Flobots will be MC’ing and providing musical entertainment!

See here a full explanation of the DSM program and Xcel’s current proposal.

This rally is a collaboration between Clean Energy Action, The Sierra Club, Frack Free Colorado, and others.

April 28

Boulder 100 Resilient Cities Kick-Off

May 3

Energy in Our Backyards