CEA and CCLC Weigh In: the U.S. Climate Alliance & New Executive Order
Morrison, CO – Last week, Governor Hickenlooper announced that Colorado will join the U.S. Climate Alliance. He also released an Executive Order titled “Supporting Colorado’s Clean Energy Transition,” in which he set forth new climate goals for our State.
The Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate (CCLC), of which Clean Energy Action is a participating member, is pleased that Colorado will join the U.S. Climate Alliance. We partnered with over 40 other Colorado organizations in June to call on Governor Hickenlooper to sign Colorado on as a member of that group. The U.S. Climate Alliance is committed to upholding the goal set forth by the United States Government when it signed the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement of reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26% – 28% compared to 2005 levels by 2025.
U.S Climate Alliance members in blue, states whose governing officials have expressed support for the Paris Climate Agreement in turquoise
In the Executive Order released yesterday, Governor Hickenlooper set a goal of reducing Colorado’s overall GHG emissions by at least 26% by 2025 compared to 2005 levels. Although this goal is consistent with the United States’ Paris Agreement goal, it is not consistent with the best available science. To limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5° C (2.7° F), the entire world would need to reduce its GHG emissions to zero by 2050. Reducing Colorado’s emissions by 26% compared to 2005 levels does not put us anywhere close to that path. In fact, the goal established yesterday by Governor Hickenlooper would put us on a path toward catastrophic global climate change that is only slightly less steep than the “business as usual” path.
Since 2015, the CCLC and CEA have called for Colorado to reduce its statewide GHG emissions to zero by 2030. We repeat that call today, and demand that Governor Hickenlooper establish new interim goals that will contribute to preserving a livable climate for future generations.
For further information, visit CCLC’s website at https://colivableclimate.org.