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Climate Action Across America

“Climate Action Across America” is a week-long, nation-wide, grass-roots effort next week (April 21 to April 25) to ask Congress to join the fight against climate change.  Our Congressional representatives are scheduled for a “constituent work week” that week, following Easter, so this is a great opportunity to call, write, or meet with our Congressional delegation or their staff about the need to support climate action.

On Saturday, April 26, the week will conclude with a rally in Washington, DC, to urge President Obama and Congress to reject the Keystone XL “export” pipeline, and to protect America’s people, land, water, and climate from the tar sands pipeline.  For more details, visit

In Colorado, here are in-state phone numbers to call to ask for a meeting or to leave a message supporting federal action to reduce greenhouse gases and prepare for future climate disasters:

Wherever you live in Colorado, please call all of your Congressional representatives.  Regardless of their prior views on climate change, they need to hear from growing numbers of citizens who are concerned about climate change and willing to call their offices.

On Twitter, you can participate in “Climate Action Across America” by using the hash tags #ActOnClimate, #ClimateActionAcrossAmerica, and #CongressJoinTheClimateFight.

April 14


April 16

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